The 1940s Hendrons Building on Dominick Street, Dublin 1

Back in September 2008 AB Properties applied to Dublin City Council to demolish the 1940s Hendrons building on the corner of the Western Way and Dominick Street near Broadstone and replace it with a mixed use development.Robert Ballagh was one of about forty who object because the project would result in the destruction of 60 artists studios.

For a detailed description and history of this building please visit https://www.buildingsofireland.ie/buildings-search/building/50070389/hendrons-dominick-street-upper-dominick-street-upper-dublin-7-dublin-city

Robert Ballagh is an Irish artist, painter and designer. He was born in Dublin and studied architecture at the Bolton Street College of Technology. His painting style was strongly influenced by pop art. He is particularly well known for his hyperealistic renderings of well known Irish literary, historical or establishment figures. He has designed over 70 Irish postage stamps and the last series of Irish banknotes, "Series C", before the introduction of the euro.
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